SDG Media
Newsletter provides film project updates

A project to examine and address inequality in the film and television industries led by experts at DMU has published its December newsletter containing conference calls, interviews and a database survey. Evolution Film was established in 2022 and forms part of the British Academy Innovation Fellowship between Prof CJP Lee, De Montfort University, and Jones Bamber Productions Ltd. Its December newsletter provides updates and opportunities on the work of the project which champions a number of sustainability targets contained in the goals of 5, 10, 16 and 17 and more. Read the newsletter here
Governance and collaboration in spotlight

Experts will describe the success or otherwise of moral interventions in the sphere of governance and citizen collaboration, within co-created outreach and research projects that have used citizen testimony to explore relations between the state, the corporate sector, and indigenous people/disadvantaged citizens at a forthcoming seminar at DMU. Using the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Speakers at the event, titled: Peace and Justice? Participatory research in the Global South, will identify the conditions that enable or prevent the free communication of citizen perspectives and demands within national and trans-national political systems. Full details of the event, on December 14 2022 can be found here
Media Discourse Centre newsletter published

The Media Discourse Centre at De Montfort University has published its latest newsletter. The Centre is renowned for its strong focus on the global dimension of public events, culture and politics, is devoted to the critical analysis of the contemporary social order and has strong links to SDG 16 and other many SDGs. Read the newsletter here:
Read moreResearch Associate to join project review seminar

Long-standing DMU Media Discourse Centre Research Associate and Land Campaigner for the radical NGO Global Witness, Ali Hines, is the author of the recent report Decade of Defiance, which details the sometimes fatal struggle of activists to protect the environment, and the murders perpetrated by those determined to exploit and despoil the land. The Report was covered in news outlets like Le Monde, the Independent and the Guardian. Ali wrote her third year dissertation on green issues and, graduating from De Montfort in 2003, went on to take an MSc in Environment, Science and Society at UCL. She also produced two chapters for the MDC publications Sites of Protest (2016) and Journalism, Power and Investigation (2019), and gave a keynote at our ‘Global Culture’ conference in 2015. On Wednesday, 14th December 2022 at 2pm, Ali will join a number of guest speakers at an online review and impact assessment of four participatory projects, all of which were conducted in order to gain insights into the actual conditions that determine the social fate of ordinary citizens and indigenous peoples in the Global South – issues linked heavily to SDG16 targets.
Read moreDMU Expert joins Cost of Living Crisis debate

Many people are worrying about the cost of energy. Dr Andy Wright, Reader in Building Engineering Physics at DMU, was on the Ady Dayman show on BBC Radio Leicester on October 19. It was recorded in the house of a listener, talking to the a householder about energy use and how to reduce it. It can be heard on BBC sounds here, starting at 2h 11min 43s in case you don’t want to listen to the whole 4 hours.